11 Haikus Written in May 2024
Hi! Here are 11 Haikus I wrote this month. I had a lot of fun writing these and designing the little graphics and videos. Hope you enjoy!
Bicycle Haiku
Flying bicycle
I ride into the orange sun
Small rocks in my wheel
Summer Haiku
Pink lemonade sipped
serenely in the sunshine
Sweetness on my mind
Roof Deck Haiku
Drunk on a roof deck
City lights sparkle from here
Beneath, the cogs lurch
Exhaustion Haiku
Body is humming
My eyes as if in a dream
Yet stillness strikes fear
Indulgence Haiku
I indulged so much
That the thought bestows nausea
Stranger to restraint
Flower Haiku
An Anthophile
Is I, lover of flowers
Oh vibrant colors
Language Haiku
I love language the
Way you can play with a word
Writing inflections
Hard Relationship Haiku
I wanted to leave
The twists of your words kept me
How fragile in youth
Sleepless Haiku
1:41 am
There is stillness in the air
The houses bones creak
Deer Haiku
In the dead of night
I wake up and spark a light
A deer bounds away
Descent Haiku
The air starts to chill
The warm day descends it’s mood
A friend starts a fire
Love Haiku
Love like a love song
The hook leading to the bridge
Wrapped in the soft strings